React/Redux Final Project

Posted by samsonyuwono on December 20, 2017

Please checkout my source code with the links below.

Due to my obsession with NBA basketball, my original plan for my final project was to create an NBA team search engine that would display a team’s current roster and statistics. Unfortunately, due to the cost of acquiring an api from various sources, I had to change my plan.

For my final project, I decided to create a rec league app that uses CRUD. My app allows a user to easily see all teams and team rosters within their league. In addition, a user can add teams to the database and assign players to teams.

One of the biggest challenges when building this project was building a team show page that would display a team’s roster. In order to accomplish this task, I used my existing team and player actions that I already had. I then used those actions in componentDidMount().

Within render(), I created a function called teamShow(). In teamShow() I used the team id from of the current page and filtered it to match with the id found in the players object. Once this was accomplished I was able to return and display a team’s roster which included player image and name.

Once this was accomplished, I called teamShow() within the DOM.

My further plans for this project is incorporate authentication and team standings.