Samson's Coding Journey and Discoveries

My Journey to becoming a full-stack web developer

How does Fetch API work?

In the past, in order to get data of an API, you would have had to use XMLHttpRequest. The Fetch API allows you to make network requests similar to XMLHttpRequest but in a more streamlined process. This streamlined process is due to the fact that Fetch sends all requests in one initial asynchronous task that returns a Promise object. Whereas XMLHttpRequest sends requests to a server in a synchronous manner (back and forth).

React/Redux Final Project

Please checkout my source code with the links below.

Adding J Query to my CRM Rails App

After an eventful offseason, the NBA season is finally upon us! This was the year that my Celtics were finally coming together to make a championship run.

Intro to Javascript - Things to note

After coding and writing applications in Ruby for 3 months, the Flatiron School syllabus has finally brought me back into Javascript.

Trust the process